Brighten Your Day

Baskets, Bamboo, and Birthdays

Lisa Hylton Season 1 Episode 4

I have the best boss! Also on the show, why there is a bamboo wall picture hanging in my home office, and how I came to love yoga. My guest is Ed Arabas, one my big thinker friends. Ed works for the legislative branch of state government in Oregon. He talks about things he has learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and we make a surprise discovery. 

Additional information from today's show: 

-  More about Emma Seppälä, Ph.D. at EmmaSeppälä.com
-  Check out Jessamyn Stanley at
-  Find Cosmic Kids Yoga at Videos on
-  Further details on Kino MacGregor at
-  Lisa Hylton, ACC, can be reached at