Brighten Your Day
Brighten Your Day
At the Beach by the Sea
This week I talk about a wonderful trip my husband and I take each winter to the Oregon Coast. Just the two of us. This time to a town we don't just pass through. My guest is longtime friend Amy Johnson, the vice chancellor for student affairs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Amy shares what life has been like in academia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The things that brighten Amy's day now have been a part of her life for a long time.
Additional information from today's show:
- Learn more about Depoe Bay, Oregon at VisitTheOregonCoast.com.
- Check out the perfectly located ChannelHouse.com.
- Get the view from "The Knoll" without making the climb at OregonCoast.org.
- The Chocolate Frog in Lincoln City, Oregon can be found on Facebook.com.
- Carla Rockmore or Carrie Bradshaw?! Carla rocks fashion on Instagram.com.
- Amy works for UNC.edu.
- Comments? Reach Lisa Hylton, ACC, at PositivelyCoached.com.