Brighten Your Day
Exhausted by negativity? Start a ripple of positivity. In each episode host Lisa Hylton, Chief Positivity Officer, shares three things that have brightened her day. Then her guest shares three things that have brightened theirs. Let’s increase positivity and make some waves!
Brighten Your Day
Holidays Are Here!
Lisa Hylton
Season 2
Episode 10
This week, I talk turkey...and muffins and Christmas markets. My guest is Talon Wood, a senior IT analyst with the state of Oregon. He discusses making kālua pork from a whole pig in his backyard imu (underground oven)! Road trips and holiday drive-throughs also make it into the conversation.
Additional information from today's show:
- The SilvertonChristmasMarket.com underway at the OregonGardenResort.com.
- More about the ASCENT Leadership Program at AscentOregon.org.
- Lisa Hylton, ACC, can be reached: HyltonLisaB [at] gmail.com.