Brighten Your Day
Exhausted by negativity? Start a ripple of positivity. In each episode host Lisa Hylton, Chief Positivity Officer, shares three things that have brightened her day. Then her guest shares three things that have brightened theirs. Let’s increase positivity and make some waves!
Brighten Your Day
GOATs and Games
Lisa Hylton
Season 3
Episode 2
In this episode I talk about the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) of women's soccer and one of the greatest players, female or male, to grace the pitch, Christine Sinclair. My guest is Dr. David Foster, a professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Western Oregon University. Playing video games with his daughter brings joy to his life!
Additional information from today's show:
- Sisters From Different Misters (Season 3, Episode 1) where you get podcasts.
- Christine Sinclair's career summary at Timbers.com/ThornsFC/Players/Christine-Sinclair.
- The trailer for King Richard can be found on YouTube.com.
- David works for WOU.edu.
- Comments? Reach Lisa Hylton, ACC, at PositivelyCoached.com.